Fluid mechanics underpins many established and emerging UK industries as well as critical societal issues such as air pollution, energy consumption, climate science, biology and medicine. Fluid mechanics is particularly strong in the UK, with world-class activity at several dozen institutions, involving hundreds of scientists and engineers. These institutions and individuals need to work together in order to benefit from the recent trend towards funding a small number of large grants. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us.
- develop cross-institution bottom-up research programs and proposals;
- promote links with researchers and organisations in Europe and beyond;
- provide resources to the research community worldwide;
- act as a broker between UK academics and industry.
- Special Interest Groups (SIGs);
- Short Research Visits (SRVs);
- a website containing resources for all fluid mechanics researchers.
- signing up for the monthly newsletter
- registering your expertise in our searchable database of researchers;
- joining a Special Interest Group by emailing the SIG leader;
- contributing talks or researcher resources.
Contact us
UKFN logo
SIG booklet
Executive Committee
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Advisory Board
- Dr Simon Bittleston, Schlumberger Gould Research
- Dr Ton van den Bremer, University of Oxford
- Prof. GertJan van Heijst, Burgerscentrum
- Prof. Ann Karagozian, American Physical Society DFD and UCLA
- Dr David Standingford, Zenotech
Institutional points of contact
Thesis Prize
The UKFN Thesis Prize is awarded annually to the best postgraduate research thesis on any subject within fluid mechanics. The thesis must be for a doctoral-level degree awarded by a UK institution, and should not have been nominated in a previous UKFN Thesis Prize competition.
Internal and external examiners are invited to submit nominations at any time of the year. Nominations consist of a citation of 300-500 words from each Examiner. We also request that the nominator consult the nominee (author) before they enter their thesis for the prize, and include a statement confirming the nominee agrees to their thesis being entered. Please use this template for your nomination, and send it to competition@fluids.ac.uk. The nomination cut-off is 1st March of the year following the year within which the thesis was defended. For example, if the thesis was defended at any time between 1st January 2024 and 31st December 2024, nominations must be submitted by 1st March 2025. Once the nomination cut-off has passed, the winner is announced within two months. They will receive a prize of £500 and will be invited to present their work at the UK Fluids Conference.
The theses are evaluated by a panel comprising members of the UKFN Executive Committee. The theses are assessed only on the basis of the quality of the scientific work and the rigour of the presentation. We acknowledge that fluid mechanics is a wide discipline, and that the specialist expertise of the assessors does not cover the discipline’s breadth. For this reason, the assessors act as generalists and do not assess aspects of the thesis that require specialist expertise, such as the significance of the findings, the level of difficulty of the challenges overcome by the author, and the quality of the facilities that they use.
For any question on the UK Thesis Prize, please email competition@fluids.ac.uk.
Please note that since 2022 the review of thesis nominations has been carried out anonymously, i.e. the name, gender and institution of the nominees was not disclosed to the review panel.
2024 Thesis Prize
Jesse Taylor-West (University of Bristol), 'Flows of Viscoplastic Fluids' [link]
Petros Ampatzidis (University of Bath), 'Modelling blue space effects in the urban microclimate' [link]
Carlos Corral-Casas (University of Edinburgh), 'On the Transport Mechanisms of Fluids under Nanoscale Confinements' [link]
2023 Thesis Prize
Josh Shelton (University of Bath), 'Exponential asymptotics of parasitic capillary ripples and the complication of divergent eigenvalues' [link]
Eleanor Johnstone (University of Manchester), 'The use of asymptotic methods in boundary-layer and interfacial phenomena' [link]
Ryan Doran (Newcastle University), 'Rotation, vortex dynamics and disorder in non-equilibrium Bose gases ' [link]
2022 Thesis Prize
Craig Duguid (University of Leeds), 'The influence of convection on tidal flows' [link]
Luke Masini (University of Liverpool), 'On Transonic Wing Shock Unsteadiness' [link]
2021 Thesis Prize
Laura Cope (University of Cambridge), 'The Dynamics of Geophysical and Astrophysical Turbulence' [link]
Ricardo Constante-Amores (Imperial College London), 'Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics simulations of complex multiphase flows with surfactants' [link]
Thomas Sykes (University of Leeds), 'Internal Dynamics of Coalescing Droplets' [link]
Clint Wong (University of Oxford), 'Fluid Flow Through Vegetation' [link]
Hans Yu (University of Cambridge), 'Inverse Problems in Thermoacoustics' [link]
2020 Thesis Prize
Joint Winners*:
Peter Baddoo (University of Cambridge), 'Analytic Solutions for Flows Through Cascades' [link]
Hannah Kreczak (University of Leeds), 'Rates of mixing in models of fluid devices with discontinuities' [link]
James Steer (University of Edinburgh), 'Experimental study of wave dispersion and stability in crossing seas and on sheared currents' [link]
*The six members of the incoming Executive Committee read the three entries on the shortlist and agreed that all three theses were outstanding and worthy of the thesis prize. Each member had independently ranked the theses and, when tallied, the overall result was a three-way tie, even after inclusion of second and third preferences. The Committee therefore agreed to award the top prize jointly to all three applicants.
2019 Thesis Prize
Adrien Lefauve (University of Cambridge): 'Waves and turbulence in sustained stratified shear flows' [link]
Paweł Baj (Imperial College London): 'Experimental investigation of wake development and mixing behind a multi-scale array of bars' [link]
Matthew Arran (University of Cambridge): 'Avalanching on dunes and its effects: Size statistics, stratification, & seismic surveys' [link]
2018 Thesis Prize
Yi Man (University of Cambridge): ‘Swimming at low Reynolds number: slip boundaries and interacting filaments’ [link]
Rowan Brackston (Imperial College London): ‘Feedback control of three-dimensional bluff body wakes for efficient drag reduction’ [link]
Simeng Chen (University of Liverpool): ‘An experimental investigation of drop impact phenomena with complex fluids on heated and soft surfaces’ [link]
Photo and Video Competition Archive
- #13 Open competition (no theme): [Winner Photo], [Winner Video]
- #12 'Fluids in the natural world': [Winner Photo], [Winner Video]
- #11 Open Competition (no theme): [Winner Photo], [Winner Video]
- #10 'Computed flows': [Winner Photo], [Winner Video]
- #9 Open Competition (no theme): [Winner Photo], [Winner Video]
- #8 'Turbulence': [Winner Photo], [Winner Video]
- #7 Open Competition (no theme): [Winner Photo], [Winner Video]
- #6 "Complex fluids": [Winner Photo]. [Winner Video]
- #5 "Instability": [Winner Photo], [Winner Video]
- #4 Open Competition (no theme): [Winner Photo], [Winner Video]
- #3 "The invisible made visible: uncovering hidden patterns, trends and structures": [Winner Photo], [Winner Video]
- #2 "The interface between solid and fluid mechanics": [Winner Photo], [Winner Video]
- #1 Open Competition (no theme): [Winner Photo], [Winner Video]
Minutes of meetings
- Executive Committee meeting, Friday 3 November 2023: [Agenda_031123_EC_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_031123_EC_meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Monday 1 November 2021: [Agenda_011121_EC_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_011121_EC_Meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Thursday 8 April 2021: [Agenda_080421_EC_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_080421_EC_Meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Monday 20 July 2020: [Agenda_200720_EC_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_200720_EC_Meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Monday 23 March 2020: [Agenda_230320_EC_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_230320_EC_Meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Thursday 18 July 2019: [Agenda_180719_EC_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_180719_EC_Meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Thursday 17 January 2019: [Agenda_170119_EC_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_170119_EC_Meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Friday 1 May 2018: [Agenda_010518_EC_Meeting.pdf], [Minutes_010518_EC_Meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Friday 5 January 2018: [Agenda_050118_EC_Meeting.pdf], [Minutes_050108_EC_Meeting.pdf]
- Advisory Board meeting, Monday 27 November 2017: [Agenda_271117_AB_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_271117_AB_meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Friday 22 September 2017: [Agenda_220917_EC_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_220917_EC_meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Friday 30 June 2017: [Agenda_300617_EC_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_300617_EC_meeting.pdf]
- Advisory Board meeting, Wednesday 29 March 2017: [Agenda_290317_AB_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_290317_AB_meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Thursday 23 March 2017: [Agenda_230317_EC_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_230317_EC_meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Friday 11th November 2016: [Minutes_111116_EC_meeting.pdf]
- Advisory Board meeting, Wednesday 21st September 2016: [Agenda_210916_AB_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_210916_AB_meeting.pdf]
- Executive Committee meeting, Friday 9th September 2016: [Agenda_090916_EC_meeting.pdf], [Minutes_090916_EC_meeting.pdf]
List of emails sent to mailing list
- Thursday 7th March 2019, UKFN bulletin, w/e 7/3/19
- Thursday 7th March 2019, UKFN bulletin, w/e 28/2/19
- Thursday 21st February 2019, UKFN bulletin, w/e 21/2/19
- Thursday 7th February 2019, UKFN bulletin, w/e 7/2/19
- Wednesday 6th February 2019, UKFN bulletin, w/e 30/1/19
- Wednesday 6th February 2019, UKFN bulletin, w/e 24/1/19
- Wednesday 6th February 2019, UKFN bulletin, w/e 17/1/19
- Tuesday 15th January 2019, UKFN interim bulletin, 15/1/19
- Friday 11th January 2019, UKFN bulletin, w/e 10/1/19
- Thursday 10th January 2019, UKFN bulletin, w/e 3/1/19
- Thursday 20th December 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 20/12/18
- Thursday 13th December 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 13/12/18
- Thursday 6th December 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 6/12/18
- Wednesday 5th December 2018, UKFN photo/video competition #5 - time to vote
- Wednesday 5th December 2018, UKFN photo/video competition #5 - time to vote
- Thursday 29th November 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 29/11/18
- Thursday 22nd November 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 22/11/18
- Thursday 15th November 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 15/11/18
- Tuesday 13th November 2018, UKFN photo/video competition #5 - "Instability"
- Thursday 8th November 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 8/11/18
- Friday 2nd November 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 2/11/18
- Friday 26th October 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 26/10/18
- Friday 19th October 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 19/10/18
- Friday 12th October 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 12/10/18
- Friday 5th October 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 5/10/18
- Friday 28th September 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 28/9/18
- Friday 21st September 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 21/9/18
- Friday 7th September 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 7/9/18
- Friday 31st August 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 31/8/18
- Friday 17th August 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 17/8/18
- Friday 10th August 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 10/8/18
- Monday 6th August 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 5/8/18
- Monday 30th July 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 27/7/18
- Friday 20th July 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 20/7/18
- Friday 13th July 2018, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 19 (13/7/18)
- Friday 6th July 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 6/7/18
- Friday 29th June 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 29/6/18
- Friday 22nd June 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 22/6/18
- Friday 15th June 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 15/6/18
- Friday 8th June 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 8/6/18
- Wednesday 6th June 2018, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 18 (6/6/18)
- Friday 25th May 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 25/5/18
- Friday 18th May 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 18/5/18
- Friday 11th May 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 11/5/18
- Friday 4th May 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 4/5/18
- Thursday 3rd May 2018, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 17 (3/5/18)
- Friday 27th April 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 27/4/18
- Friday 27th April 2018, Supplement to UKFN bulletin, w/e 27/4/18
- Friday 13th April 2018, UKFN bulletin, w/e 13/4/18
- Friday 6th April 2018, UKFN weekly round-up for w/e 6/4/18
- Tuesday 3rd April 2018, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 16 (3/4/18)
- Monday 26th March 2018, Deadlines this week
- Friday 16th March 2018, UK Fluids Network dissertation prize - nominations close 31st March
- Wednesday 28th February 2018, Short questionnaire on the UK Fluids Network
- Monday 26th February 2018, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 15 (26/2/18)
- Monday 26th February 2018, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 15 (26/2/18) - date correction
- Monday 22nd January 2018, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 14 (22/1/18)
- Friday 15th December 2017, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 13 (15/12/17)
- Monday 6th November 2017, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 12 (6/11/17)
- Friday 29th September 2017, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 11 (29/9/17)
- Tuesday 22nd August 2017, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 10 (22/8/17)
- Monday 10th July 2017, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 9 (10/7/17)
- Thursday 8th June 2017, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 8 (8/6/17)
- Wednesday 3rd May 2017, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 7 (3/5/17)
- Tuesday 4th April 2017, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 6 (4/4/17)
- Monday 27th February 2017, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 5 (27/2/17)
- Friday 27th January 2017, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 4 (27/1/17)
- Friday 16th December 2016, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 3 (16/12/16)
- Thursday 1st December 2016, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 2 (1/12/16)
- Tuesday 18th October 2016, UK Fluids Network Newsletter, Issue 1 (18/10/16)
- Thursday 29th September 2016, UK Fluids Network website and first calls for proposals
UK Fluids Conferences
2022 - University of Sheffield
2021 - University of Southampton (online)
Set of values
Proposal documents
Grants on the Web
Web pages giving details of the EPSRC grant for UK Fluids Network. There are multiple entries because it was a joint proposal between Cambridge, ICL, Leeds, Manchester, and Southampton.
- Cambridge: http://gow.epsrc.ukri.org/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/N032861/1
- ICL: http://gow.epsrc.ukri.org/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/N032934/1
- Leeds: http://gow.epsrc.ukri.org/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/P000851/1
- Manchester: http://gow.epsrc.ukri.org/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/N032411/1
- Southampton: http://gow.epsrc.ukri.org/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/N032152/1