Prototyping a Sparse-Aperture, Segmented, Parabolic Primary Mirror Telescope for SUPERSHARP

Zoe Horvath Cambridge Fluids Network - fluids-related seminars 15 May 2024 1:15pm The Hoyle Lecture Theatre + Zoom The motivation for my research comes from the SUPERSHARP mission concept for large, unfolding, lightweight space telescopes which take advantage of unfolding segmented optics and a sparse aperture primary mirror to generate powerful observations while maintaining limited cost, mass, and volume requirements. The original motivation for the SUPERSHARP design comes from the ongoing search for life in the universe, but the technology has wider applications in both space and Earth observation. Prototyping of the optical system is integral to ensuring technological readiness of key aspects of the telescope design - in particular, the active control and maintenance of optics alignment. In this talk, I will present the work I have done designing and building a prototype of a sparse-aperture, segmented, parabolic primary mirror telescope using two mirror segments. I will also outline the immediate improvements and next steps required for the prototype to more accurately model an effective imaging system.