Dynamical and photometric signatures of the magnetospheric star-disk interaction in different accretion regimes.

Claudio Zanni (INAF Turin) Cambridge Fluids Network - fluids-related seminars 17 June 2024 2:00pm MR14 DAMTP and online The interaction of a stellar magnetosphere with a surrounding accretion disk is a fundamental process that determines different properties of young forming stars. By channeling the accretion flow into funnels that impact the stellar surface, it determines their observed variability. By regulating the angular momentum exchange between the star, the disk and magnetospheric outflows, it controls the stellar rotational evolution. I will use the outcome of three-dimensional simulations of the interaction of a magnetized solar-mass protostar with a surrounding accretion disk to show how magnetospheric accretion can occur in different regimes, unstable, stable or propeller. I will show how the magnetic torque applied to the star, spinning up or down its rotation, depends on the accretion regime. I will characterize the main properties of synthetic lightcurves in different accretion regimes, trying to find a connection between the stellar photometric variability and the spin up/down state of the star.